Reorder your Pixum Photo Book in 3 easy steps
Order as many copies of your new Pixum Photo Book as you wish! Projects ordered via the Pixum Photo World software, the mobile Pixum App and the Pixum Photo World app are available up to 12 weeks after the order has been submitted. Projects created in the Online Editor directly on our homepage can be found in your account in the 'My Products' section. And here is how you reorder a copy:
- log In to your Pixum account
- check the order details and proceed to the checkout
Reorder your recent project here »
Ordering another copy of your book
1. Order exact same copy / Initial order made within the last 12 weeks

Another copy of your great book
Happy with the amazing book quality and would like to order an exact same copy of the artwork?
In case you have ordered the first copy within the last 12 weeks, the reordering process is very simple and quick. Please note, that no changes on the product can be made when you select this option. We simply get the same project with the same paper type, cover and size and print it again for you.

Step by step:
- click on "Reorder here"
- your personal photo book gallery will be loaded - here, you see all recently ordered Pixum Photo Books. Order older than 12 weeks will not appear in the book gallery
- now, simply click on the shopping cart icon below the corresponding book cover to add it to your order. You can either directly proceed to checkout or surf our shop for other great gifts printed with your photos.
2. Edit the project & order anew / Initial order older than 3 months
If you have ordered your photo book more than 12 weeks ago or if you'd first like to edit the project (e.g. add further photos or text) and then reorder the photo book, please proceed as follows:
3. Ordering copies for friends

Up to 3 months after the initial order, you can issue a preview link with a reordering option and email it to your family & friends:
- log into your personal photo book gallery and click on the grey button with an arrow (right below the book cover) to select the option of sharing the project
- if you would like to enable others to order book copies for themselves, please also check the box "Allow ordering" - but this is optional
- copy and email the link for your album to be viewed by your family & friends only

Should the initial order be older than 3 months, or also if your friends would like to make slight changes in the book, you can export the book project (both .mcf-files or the .xmcf file package) onto a USB stick or to your Cloud to share it with friends.
Your friends will then only need to install the Photo Photo World software. Note: In this case, your friends can make adjustments to the project to their wishes before they reorder it

What about if you'd like to share your album before submitting the order? Or how about books ordered via the Pixum homepage or on the mobile app? Making a book with wedding or birthday wishes from the family spread all over the world has never been that easy! Read our tips about organizing the process and also how exactly sharing a book works. Being creative with your loved ones is fun, no matter the distance!